Thursday, July 23, 2009


No, its not to clean our whole apartment (which seriously needs to happen).. or to finish my 2000 piece puzzle of Las Vegas that i've been working on for 3 weeks...or to beat Matt at Brickbreaker (which is my goal in life now)... My goal is to UPDATE OUR BLOG :) And this post doesn't count. I feel like we've done so much over the past month and I haven't posted any of it. Matt has been taking awesome pictures with his new camera and they deserve to be blogged about. I cant believe I was so lazy I had to post 2 videos in a row. I'm not assuming anyone actually gets on here to see what the Wrights are up to. But I have to post this or I wont do it.
"A goal not written (or blogged) is just a wish"


Adria said...

I have totally been checking your blog waiting for you to update!can't wait to see the pictures!

Kristin said...

Listen, I check yours all the time, and everytime I do, I don't feel so bad that I've neglected mine for so long. :) I FINALLY got around to posting tonight. Can't say as much for completely unpacking. That's next on the list. ;)